Many thanks to the parents who responded to my May 17 email. I inquired if you were going to enroll your child(ren) for the summer or fall sessions, and asked if you had any questions or concerns. Almost everyone responded, and many of you detailed what items you would like to be addressed in the upcoming meeting.
I will be sending the WebEx notice to previously enrolled families this week via an email invitation. During this meeting, I will address your questions/concerns and outline our plan of operation moving forward with COVID-19 protocols. Tentatively, the meeting will be scheduled in the early evening (after work hours) on Tuesday, June 2. I decided to wait until after May 31 to see if the Governor eases restrictions and if the State provides any further guidance. Specifically, easing restrictions could directly impact how may children we are allowed to enroll and the size of our classes. I thought it would be best to have this information first, before meeting with parents.
If you are a new family and are interested in enrolling your child for either the summer or fall sessions please send an email to quemazonmontessori@gmail.com and I will contact you directly. We have a growing 'new family list'. I will use this list to provide updates regarding openings, registration, and other pertinent information.
I'll be in touch soon with the WebEx invite. Thank you for your patience and continued support.